DCSD is dedicated to creating a positive work environment for our employees. A great workplace requires a willingness from all employees at all levels of the organization to make positive contributions. We hope all our employees will take advantage of the resources provided here to understand how we can work together and make DCSD a great place to work.
“Respect at Work” Online Training
DCSD believes all employees have a responsibility to become familiar and know how to respond to situations of harassment, discrimination and bullying in the workplace. This online training includes information and videos to familiarize our employees with the different types of harassment and how to address these concerns should they arise. To take this training, visit the Respect at Work page.
DCSD Employee Guide
Our new guide will take effect July 1, 2016 and will replace our Compensation and Benefit Program for both licensed and classified staff. Click here for more information on how this new resource will serve to build understanding and consistency around how we do things here in DCSD.
The Emergenetics Profile was developed to distinctively measure how people think and behave. With this insight, you can develop personal strategies to get results.
Developed through years of psychometric research, the Emergenetics Profile accurately measures three behavioral attributes (Expressiveness, Assertiveness, Flexibility) and four thinking attributes (Analytical, Structural, Social, Conceptual). The attributes are represented in a clear, color-coded report, making it memorable and applicable immediately.
Professional Development
While your technical skills may get your foot in the door, your people skills are what open most of the doors to come. Your work ethic, attitude, communication skills and a whole host of other personal attributes are the soft skills that are crucial for career success. Don’t wait, visit our Professional Development website and check out what are opportunities are available to support you on your pathway to success!