A Parent's Guide to DCSD

A Parent's Guide to Douglas County School District

2023–2024children running


Click each green header to skip to the corresponding information and learn more about the bulleted items.

About Douglas County School District

  • Our Mission
  • Our Vision
  • Our Students
  • Our Superintendent
  • Superintendent's Cabinet

Nutrition Services

  • Applying for Free or Reduced Lunch
  • Food Allergy Accommodations

DCSD Board of Education

  • Board of Education Members
  • Board of Education Goals
  • Board of Education Meetings
  • Board Policies and Procedures
  • Board Committees


  • Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA)
  • League Affiliations
  • Athletic Registration

School Registration and Information

  • New Families
  • Returning Families Express Check-In
  • Open Enrollment
  • Preschool
  • Kindergarten

Parent Portal

  • Parent Technology Support
  • Infinite Campus

Student Fees

  • Payment of Fees
  • Waiver of Fees

Stay Connected

Reporting Concerns/Grievances

  • Proper Channeling of Concerns/Grievances
  • Tips for Conflict Management
  • Setting Up an Appointment

Get Involved

Personalized Learning

  • Special Education
  • Child Find

Career Opportunities

Safety and Security

  • Standard Response Protocol
  • What to do During an Emergency
  • How to Receive Emergency Communications
  • How to Report Safety Concerns

Contact Information

Weather Delays and Closures

  • When a Snowstorm is Approaching
  • When School Remains Open
  • When there is a 90-Minute Delay
  • When there is a Closure
  • Where are Delays and Closures Posted?

Glossary of Acronyms


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Douglas County is many things to many people. Here, you will find beautiful natural surroundings, a thriving and diverse community, and a variety of towns and cities ranging from large suburban to close- knit rural. Douglas County literally offers the best of all worlds. That’s why over 370,000 people choose to call Douglas County home. Woven throughout this great community is Douglas County School District Re.1 which has provided students with a high-quality public education since 1958.

Our Mission

The mission of the Douglas County School District (DCSD) is to provide an educational foundation that allows each student to reach his or her individual potential.

Our Vision

The Douglas County School District strives to maximize the potential of every student to pursue his or her chosen endeavor in society, including but not limited to postsecondary education, career, or military service.

Our Students

  • DCSD serves more than 63,000 students across 850 square miles.
  • DCSD has one of the highest graduation rates in the Denver metro area at 88.5%.
  • The DCSD Class of 2023 earned scholarships totaling nearly $118 million.
  • DCSD students leave school prepared for the future they choose, whether that be a four-year college, the military or direct entrance into the workforce.

Our Schools

  • DCSD has 90 public schools, including traditional public schools, magnet public schools, alternative education campuses, charter public schools as well as online and home school options.
  • DCSD schools offer a variety of pedagogies including STEM, Artful Learning, Expeditionary Learning, Project-Based Learning, Core Knowledge, and International Baccalaureate.
  • DCSD offers concurrent enrollment opportunities to students, where they can earn college credit in high school (last year this saved local families nearly $4.5 million in tuition).
  • DCSD is the third largest school district in Colorado.

Our Staff

  • DCSD is the largest employer in the county with 8,500 employees.
  • 4,400 are licensed employees.
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Our Board of Education is elected by the community and is committed to a policy governance model. The seven members of the Board of Education are elected to staggered, four- year terms at regular biennial school elections.

Each board member represents one of seven regional districts and is elected at-large.

Board of Education Members

Board of Education Goals

Douglas County School District Board of Education adopted the following five goals (sometimes referred to as “end statements”).

  • Academic Excellence
  • Outstanding Educators and Staff
  • Safe, Positive Climate and Culture
  • Collaborative Parent, Family, and Community Relations
  • Financial Well-Being

Board of Education Meetings

Regular meetings of the Douglas County School District Board of Education are generally held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Meetings begin at 5:00 p.m. and take place at the Douglas County School District Administration building located at 620 Wilcox Street in Castle Rock. Board meetings are open to the public, and can also be watched live on the DCSD YouTube page and on Comcast Channel 54. Meeting agendas are posted online the Friday preceding each board meeting. More information including agendas and minutes can be found here.

Board Policies and Procedures

All Board policies are posted on our website here.

Board Committees

District Accountability Committee
The District Accountability Committee (DAC) helps to collect feedback from School Accountability Committees and then advises the DCSD Board of Education on district spending priorities, school improvement plans, parent engagement plans, and other priorities as directed by the Board of Education.

Fiscal Oversight Committee
DCSD’s Fiscal Oversight Committee (FOC) assists the Board of Education in fulfilling its fiscal oversight responsibilities. The FOC’s responsibilities include information gathering, fact-finding, and making recommendations in the areas of: Budget (Operating and Capital); Accounting, Audit, and Financial Reporting (Internal and External); Banking (Commercial and Investment); and other fiscal matters as assigned by the Board.

Long-Range Planning Committee
DCSD’s Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) studies school district sites, boundaries and capacity needs. This citizen-based group keeps close track of new housing developments and student enrollment trends in order to provide the Douglas County School District Board of Education with feedback regarding school district facility and capacity needs. The LRPC also publishes the annual Master Capital Plan.

Mill Bond Ad-Hoc Oversight Committee
DCSD’s Mill Bond Ad-Hoc Oversight Committee stays familiar with the 2018 Mill Levy Override (MLO) and Bond program and project list, monitors the progress of the improvements and programs being implemented, and ensures MLO/ Bond expenditures are in alignment with ballot language approved by voters.

Student Advisory Group
The Student Advisory Group (SAG) provides an opportunity for the Board and District personnel to have a focus group of high school students who express what they think is important regarding their education.

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Student Enrollment in DCSD

Need to register your children for school?
Enrollment Services processes new student Online Registration (OLR) applications for most neighborhood schools. Please contact our department at [email protected] or (720) 433-0095 for further guidance on which process is in place for your school.

If you are trying to enroll with a Charter School, please contact that school directly.

Required Documents for Registration:

  • Parent(s) Government Issued ID or a Driver’s License
  • Student(s) Government Issued Birth Certificate
  • Student(s) Immunization Record or Immunization Exemption Form with Physician signature or Exemption Form generated from the CDPHE website
  • Proof of Residency: One of the following:
    • Warranty Deed, Deed of Trust, Property Tax Notice, Signed Purchase Agreement, County Assessor Page, Signed Lease Agreement or Notarized Proof of Residency from the person you are living with, along with their proof of residency.
    • Transcript, Last Report Card or Withdrawal Form (whichever has the most current grade information).

If you are directed to fill out an OLR application, the above documents must be available to upload into the application in a .pdf or .jpg format. Please use a scanner or scanning app on your phone for document integrity. Screenshots will not be accepted.

Not sure which school your children should attend?
You can find school boundary information on this Boundary Map. Should you have any questions regarding boundary schools, please contact our office at [email protected] or (720) 433-0095.

Open Enrollment

DCSD embraces parent and student choice by offering a diverse range of pathways to learning, including neighborhood schools, charter, magnet, online schools, and home education options. Families who wish to open enroll in a school other than their assigned neighborhood school are welcome to do so, as long as their desired school has space available. Families may begin this process via DCSD’s Open Enrollment process. Find more information at our Parent Resource Center.

Universal Preschool (UPK)

Beginning in the 2023-24 school year, Colorado families may be eligible to receive a minimum of 10 or 15 hours per week of free preschool from a participating provider for their 3 or 4 year old child. 3 year olds may receive 10 hours per week if they have a qualifying eligibility factor. 4 year olds may receive 10 or 15 hours, depending on the location and provider they select. 4 year olds with a qualifying eligibility factor may receive additional hours depending on whether or not the provider is able to provide the extended hours. UPK Colorado is administered by the newly created Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC). More information on UPK, including how to enroll in the statewide system, can be found at upk.colorado.gov.


Free full-day kindergarten is offered in DCSD. A registration packet can be downloaded from your school’s website. To complete your child’s registration, take their completed packet to your school. You will also need to provide your child’s certificate of birth, immunization records and your proof of residence (Warranty Deed, Deed of Trust, Tax Notice, Lease Agreement, Assessor Page, Notarized Letter from the person you are living with if you are living with someone and your name doesn’t appear on the proof of residency. A copy of their Proof of Residency must also be given at enrollment). The deadline for Kindergarten enrollment is June 1 prior to the start of the school year. More information is available on our kindergarten enrollment page.

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Douglas County School District supplies its students with textbooks and instructional materials necessary for successful completion of courses of study as part of our school district’s instructional program. Students participating in enrichment activities which are not required may be assessed charges necessary to cover expenses such as admission fees, food costs, and transportation costs. Students may also be required to pay the costs of materials for projects in specified classes.

Payment of Fees

School fees can be paid via DCSD’s online payment system - MySchoolBucks. Families will be directed to MySchoolBucks during the Express Check-In process at the beginning of each school year. Learn more about the MySchoolBucks Payment System.

Waiver of Fees

Students who meet eligibility requirements set by federal poverty income guidelines will have their fees waived. These guidelines include those students on free and reduced-price meals (including homeless and foster students). In order to have fees waived, families will need to complete an application online at https://www.myschoolapps.com/. DCSD staff make every effort to ensure no student is denied the right to participate in any school activity because of lack of funds.

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As a parent/guardian, one of the most important things you can do for your child’s education is to develop relationships with the people in your child’s academic life. This includes teachers, principals, your child’s friends and their parents. If you have strong, positive relationships with all of these people, you will be better prepared to meet the challenges and address the needs that arise in your student’s life. Having a positive relationship and open method of communication with this important network of professionals and people will be beneficial to you and your student.

We recognize the importance of being your child’s advocate. Here are guidelines to help you work through any concerns that may arise during the school year.

Proper Channeling of Concerns/Grievances

The DCSD Board of Education believes that concerns and grievances are best handled and resolved as close to their origin as possible, as per DCSD Board of Education Policy KE. . Therefore, the proper channeling of complaints involving instruction, discipline, or learning materials should be as follows (contact information found here):


Tips for Conflict Management

Conflict management works best if all parties:

  • Engage in active listening
  • Problem solve by focusing on the problem, not the person
  • Set clear expectations and goals
  • Follow up, as necessary
  • Participate in good faith and be committed to the process

Setting Up an Appointment

If you would like to voice a concern in person, it is strongly recommended that you set up an appointment. This helps ensure that staff is available and that your concern can be fully discussed. School staff can sometimes accommodate walk-ins depending on the severity of the issue, but teachers and administrators request scheduled appointments.

To set an appointment with a teacher, please contact the teacher directly. Generally, the best times to meet with a teacher are before and after school.

To set an appointment with the principal or assistant principal, please contact the office staff.

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Special Education

When parents have concerns about their child’s progress, the first step is to talk with their student’s teacher(s) or school counselor. The school team will work with parents to determine what intervention(s) can be employed to address the concern. If the concern about a child’s progress persists after interventions have been in place, the parent or school team may request a referral for special education. Parents are important members of the referral team.

The Douglas County School District is committed to providing support services to our students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. DCSD provides a continuum of services to best meet the unique needs of all learners. More information about special education and our Student Support Services Department can be found on our website at Special Education or Student Support Services.

Child Find

Child Find is part of DCSD’s Special Education program. We act as a resource for families who are residents of Douglas County. Our Child Find teams offer developmental assessments at no charge to young children from birth through age five. Child Find teams include multi-disciplinary specialists. Teams work with children and their families and conduct screenings and/or evaluations to determine eligibility for services.

Children ages birth to three who demonstrate a significant delay in development may be eligible for services through Developmental Pathways, a non-profit agency.

Children ages three up to age five are assessed to determine if they are eligible for special education services through the DCSD Early Childhood Preschool program. Contact our Child Find Coordinator at 720-433-0020 or speak with your child’s pediatrician for more information.

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Standard Response Protocol

The Douglas County School District is committed to providing information to families as soon as possible. During an emergency, having a unified plan and shared vocabulary with students, staff and first responders is paramount. That is why we use the Standard Response Protocol (SRP). More information is available at www. dcsdk12.org/be-ready.


Hold in your room or area. Clear the halls.
Hold status is initiated when there is a situation requiring students to remain in their classrooms. There may be a need for students who are not in a classroom to proceed to an area where they can be supervised and remain safe. Learning continues until the all clear is given. Example: Medical issue needing outside assistance.


Get Inside, Lock Outside Doors
If there is a threat or hazard outside the school building, everyone is brought inside the building and the doors are locked. Secure status could be the response to an incident in the community near the school. Secure status results in an increased situational awareness, while learning and activities continue indoors. Example: Wildlife in the area.


Lock, Lights, Out of Sight
This is the protocol used when a threat or a hazard is inside the school building. Teachers will lock classroom doors and turn off all lights. In addition, teachers and students will move away from the corridor line of sight and maintain silence. Occupants of rooms will not unlock their rooms for anything or anyone. When the incident is over, a responsible person capable of unlocking the room (law enforcement, school administrator, etc.) will unlock the door and brief the occupants. Example: Active shooter.


to the Announced Location
This involves moving students from one location to another. Evacuate is always followed by a location. For example, the command may be “evacuate to the gym”. Administrators, teachers, and building staff work together to quickly, quietly, and safely evacuate to the evacuation point. Students and staff will leave all personal items (backpacks, books, etc.) behind. Example: Chemical spill inside the school.


For a Hazard Using a Safety Strategy
Shelter is called when there is a need for personal protection. Specific instructions are given to students and staff. For example, instead of just announcing “shelter”, the command may be “shelter for tornado: drop, cover, and hold”. Example: Tornado.

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We take the safety of our students, staff, parents and community members seriously. Our district is huge - spanning 850+ square miles, and conditions can vary from one region to another.

Because many of our families and staff travel across the school district, any weather delay or closure will apply to the entire school district (unless otherwise indicated).

The decision to close, delay or keep a school open during inclement weather is never taken lightly. We al- ways keep the safety of our students, staff and parents top of mind. Factors including snowfall, wind chill, road conditions and more are all taken into consideration. Learn more by visiting www.dcsdk12.org and clicking the snowflake icon on the right-hand side.

When a Snowstorm is Approaching

By far, the biggest reason for school delays/ closures in Colorado is snowstorms. The DCSD Snow Team is dedicated to monitoring incoming storms, assessing whether a delay or closure is warranted and communicating the decision to our stakeholders and the public.

When School Remains Open

During Colorado winters, snow and ice are to be expected. We encourage everyone within Douglas County to drive safely.

Those who do not feel comfortable driving in winter conditions or are inexperienced should consider alternate transportation options. As always, on days where DCSD’s Snow Team was activated and a delay or closure was not implemented, we respect our parents’ decisions to keep their students home, if necessary. This will be an excused absence.

When There is a 90-Minute Delay

When DCSD is on a 90-minute delay, all schools begin 90-minutes after regular start times. Bus routes are also delayed by 90-minutes, so students should plan to be picked up one and a half hours later than normal. DCSD before school care (BASE) also begins 90-minutes later than normal. During a delay, morning preschool and half-day kindergarten programs are canceled. Full-day kindergarten programs operate on a 90-minute delay. Dismissal times remain the same.

When There is a Closure

When DCSD is closed due to weather conditions, all schools and buildings are closed, and any scheduled activities are cancelled. This includes closure of Before and After School Enterprise (BASE) programs, activities, sports, and any facility rentals scheduled for the day of a DCSD weather- related closure.

Where are Delays and Closures Posted?

In the event of a delay or closure, the information will be posted on the top of the DCSD website. We will also post updates on the DCSD Facebook and Twitter accounts, the DCSD mobile app and on local media outlets.

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SMART Tag Bus Pass

Generally, DCSD school bus service will be available to the following:

  • Elementary students who live approximately 1 mile or more from their assigned neighborhood school
  • Middle and high school students who live approximately 2 miles or more from their assigned neighborhood school
  • All eligible students with special needs, as well as homeless and foster children, and other eligible students as required by law
  • Students that are open enrolled are not eligible for bus services. See Board Policy EEAA.

General education students who are eligible will have a transportation link available at engaged.dcsdk12.org to request a new bus pass and make your transportation fee choice for the current school year. If you do not have this link, you may not be eligible for transportation.

Rides are $1.00 each way per student. These charges will be billed on a quarterly basis to your student’s MySchoolBucks account. Students who receive specialized transportation services or qualify for the free or reduced lunch program will have their fees waived.

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CSD Nutrition Services is committed to providing the highest quality meals for your child. We work to create an environment where your child can learn to make healthy decisions that lead to a healthy lifestyle. We provide approximately 30,000 nutritious meals every day to students and staff. We participate in the National School Lunch Program and the National Breakfast Program at select sites.

All meals include an entrée, fruit, veggies, and milk. Ala carte options are available at all schools and pricing varies by item. Please ensure your student has money in their account for meals and à la carte options, prior to the first day of school by visiting MySchoolBucks.com.

School meals are important to your child because they help develop sound nutritional habits by exposing students to a variety of foods. We offer many food choices and provide healthful fruits and vegetables daily. In addition, the well-nourished student has better attendance, is more attentive, better behaved and has an increased energy level. All of these elements are tied to academic success.

Applying for Free or Reduced Lunch

Families who wish to apply for free or reduced price lunches under the National School Lunch Program must submit a new application at the beginning of each school year. The application is available online at www.myschoolapps.com. Please allow at least 10 days from the time the application is received by our school district for processing.

Food Allergy Accommodations

DCSD dietitians work with families to develop special diets when it is medically necessary for the student. If your child has a food allergy or intolerance that requires accommodation outside of the daily lunch menu, please contact the following staff members at Menu Services:

Amy Faricy, Menu Services Manager and Dietitian
[email protected] | (303) 387-0301

Tara Gonzales, Area Manager and Dietitian
[email protected]

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Athletics are an amazing way for students to learn. The lessons taught by sports make our kids more resilient, collaborative and healthy. The field, track, gym and weight room offer daily opportunities for kids to learn 21st-century skills, which makes them better students in the classroom and more prepared for whichever college or career they choose in the future. All student- athletes are students first. Participation in sports is a privilege -- we expect all of our student-athletes to abide by the academic and athletic rules set by their schools and the organizations we are affiliated with.

Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA)

All Douglas County high schools are members of the Colorado High School Activities Association and are bound to all rules and regulations required of CHSAA and the school league.

League Affiliations

All Douglas County high schools belong to the Continental League for all sports and activities, except football.


  • Ponderosa: 4A Metro Conference
  • Chaparral, Douglas County, Legend: 5A South Conference
  • Castle View, Highlands Ranch, Mountain Vista, Rock Canyon, ThunderRidge: 5A Metro South Conference

Athletic Registration

Prior to participating in camps and practices, students and parents must complete the online registration process at their middle or high school. During the registration process each student’s eligibility for participation in sports is evaluated.

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Parent Technology Support

Parents can find support pages for all Technology tools by selecting “Information Technology” from the A-Z menu on the DCSD website, then clicking “Parent & Staff IT Resources,” then “Parents KnowIT.” Support information on DCSD Campus Portal, SchoolMessenger, Express Check-In, Google apps for students, personally-owned devices, tech learning opportunities, and student online safety can be found here.

Infinite Campus

DCSD uses Infinite Campus (IC) to store student data and provide communications to parents. Parents and students (Grades 5 and up) also have online access to student information through the Infinite Campus portal.

With IC Portal access, parents and students may monitor grades, assignments and their due dates, attendance, district news, and other important information about student classes.

For information on how to set up or access your IC Portal account, please visit the IC Portal Info page on your school’s website.

Infinite Campus Mobile Portal Apps: Campus Student and Campus Parent
Infinite Campus has two new and improved mobile apps: Campus Student (for students) and Campus Parent (for parents). Download these free apps for real-time access to grades, assignments, attendance, schedules, announcements and more.

Infinite Campus - Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request access to the parent portal?
Contact your school’s registrar.

What if my contact information is missing or wrong?
Please input your correct contact information in Infinite Campus, or contact your school’s registrar for assistance.

Who do I contact if my account is disabled or I need my password reset?
If you have forgotten your username and/or password or have been locked out of your account, please contact your school’s registrar, or call our I.T. Help Desk at 303-387-0001. For security purposes, your account will be disabled after five unsuccessful login attempts.

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Keep up with Douglas County School District for timely announcements, information, news, and events.

DCSD Website

Alerts posted on our homepage. You can also sign up for parent portal and newsletters from our website.

Mobile App

Your one-stop-shop for both school and district news, alerts, events, staff directories, and more. Download the app.


DCSD NEWS is Douglas County School District’s monthly newsletter for families and the community. Sign up for the newsletter.

Social Media Channels

Facebook iconInstagram iconTwitter iconLinkedIn iconYoutube Icon

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Share Your School’s Good News Stories

We know that there are great things going on in our schools every day. Help us to celebrate the achievements of our students, teachers, and staff with the Douglas County community! Email story ideas to [email protected] or tag us in social media posts about your school (@DCSDK12).

School Accountability Committees

Each DCSD school has a School Accountability Committee (SAC). The SAC is a committee that advises the principal on school performance, budget priorities and parental engagement. Contact your child’s principal for information on how to serve on your school’s SAC.

Parent University

DCSD partners with SkyRidge Medical Center to offer Parent University. Parent University classes provide parents and families with resources and training in areas such as safety, life skills, prevention, etc. Families receive tools they can use to encourage their children to become successful, and to become effective advocates for their students.

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In Douglas County School District, we know that working in education is more than a job – it’s a calling. Every day our dedicated team of educators guide our community’s future leaders by encouraging them to ask questions, explore new ideas and solve problems. Our school leaders and staff put students first in everything they do and work hard to ensure that our educators have the tools they need to ensure that each and every student receives the best education possible. From our school principals and licensed teachers, to our nutrition services staff and bus drivers, each and every employee touches the lives of students and every employee contributes to their success.

The Douglas County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, age, marital status, genetic information, or physical characteristics, disability or need for special education services in admissions, access to, treatment of, or employment in educational programs or activities. Learn more about current job opportunities, and apply at www.dcsdk12.org/careers.

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I.T. Help Desk (Parent Portal Support)
Information Technology (I.T.) - 303-387-0001

Ordering Transcripts
Student Data - 720-433-0095

Open Enrollment
Choice Programming - 303-387-9506

Special Education or Gifted and Talented
Personalized Learning - 303-387-0077

School Buses and SmartTags
Transportation - 303-387-0415

Early Childhood Education / Preschool
Early Childhood Education - 720-433-0025
Child Find - 720-433-0020

Before and After School Care
B.A.S.E. - 720-433-1100

Facility Rentals

Human Resources / Careers

Maintenance and Grounds
Operations & Maintenance - 303-387-0400

Nutrition Services

Preschool Information Line

Safety and Security
Security Dispatch (24 hours) - 303-387-9999

Reporting Anonymous Safety / Security Tips and Information
Safe2Tell - 1-877-542-7233

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Website by SchoolMessenger Presence. © 2025 SchoolMessenger Corporation. All rights reserved.

In compliance with Titles VI & VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, and Colorado law, the Douglas County School District RE-1 does not unlawfully discriminate against otherwise qualified students, employees, applicants for employment, or members of the public on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, religion, ancestry, or need for special education services. Discrimination against employees and applicants for employment based on age, genetic information, and conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth is also prohibited in accordance with state and/or federal law. Complaint procedures have been established for students, parents, employees, and members of the public. The School District's Compliance Officer and Title IX Coordinator to address complaints alleging sexual harassment under Title IX is Aaron Henderson, 620 Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, Colorado, [email protected], 303-387-0127.

Outside Agencies

Complaints regarding violations of Title VI, (race, national origin), Title IX (sex, gender), Section 504/ADA (handicap or disability), may be filed directly with the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 1244 North Speer Blvd., Suite 310, Denver, CO 80204. Complaints regarding violations of Title VII (employment) and the ADEA (prohibiting age discrimination in employment) may be filed directly with the Federal Office of Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 303 E. 17th Ave., Suite 510, Denver, CO 80202, or the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 1050, Denver, CO 80202.


Special Education records which have been collected by Douglas County School District related to the identification, evaluation, educational placement, or the provision of special education in the district, must be maintained under state and federal laws for the period of five (5) years after special education services have ended for the student. Special education services end when the student is no longer eligible for services, graduates, or completes his/her educational program at age 21, or moves from the district. This notification is to inform parents/guardians and former students of Douglas County School District's intent to destroy the special education records of students who exited special education services as of June 30, 2016. These records will be destroyed in accordance with state law unless the parent/guardian or eligible (adult) student notifies the school district otherwise. After five years, the records are no longer useful to the district, but may be useful to the parent/guardian or former student in applying for social security benefits, rehabilitation services, college entrance, etc. The parent/guardian or eligible (adult) student may request a copy of the records by requesting the records at this link ( Douglas County School District Transcripts and Records Requests ).